Our Approach

RedCloud Bio’s advanced structural pharmacology approach enables the Company to gain precise understanding of the detailed structure and mechanism of action for critical mutations, a crucial step for rational design and optimization of new drugs. We have integrated state-of-the-art screening algorithms and molecular dynamics/computational chemistry-based compound optimization to facilitate discovery and optimization of new small molecule drugs with unprecedented specificity and efficiency.

Overcoming Drug Resistance At Atomic Level

Cancer cells developing resistance to existing drug therapies is a major and growing challenge in cancer treatment. RedCloud Bio scientists have generated experimental structural and biological data of various drug-resistance cancer mutations, in the context of their interactions with library of promising drug candidates.

Solving The Problem Of Dynamic Molecular Locks

Drug and target interactions resemble conventional “key and lock”mechanisms, albeit complicated by their respective flexibility and dynamic properties. Understanding these properties is critical for precise, specific drug design.

RedCloud Bio scientists utilize both experimental data and computational approaches to simulate dynamic drug and target interactions with angstrom level precision and to uncover hidden interactions upon induced changes, thus increases the probability of creating new compounds towards otherwise challenging targets.

Contact Us


Nanjing   |307-311, Building No.9, 669-8 Xuanwu Avenue, Xuanwu District Shanghai|Suite 901, 880 Xiangyang Road, Minhang District Beijing   |Suite 205, Building No.2, PKUCare Industrial Park, Changping District Website: https://www.redcloudbio.com
Follow us on WeChat: RedCloudBio
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